نموذج بروبوزال جاهز pdf
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نموذج بروبوزال جاهز pdf

SFL in Computer-assisted Learning in Classroom Setting and their Impact on Students' Writing Behaviors: Scio-linguistic study

Table of content



Literature Review                                                              

Research Problems                                                            

Research Questions                                                            

Goals and Objectives                                                                                    


Research Significance                                                        



This study examines the impact of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) in computer-assisted learning on students' writing behaviors in a classroom setting. SFL is a linguistic framework that views language as a system for making meaning, and it has been increasingly applied in education to improve students' writing skills. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, including pre- and post-tests, classroom observations, and interviews with students and teachers. Results show that SFL-based computer-assisted learning significantly improves students' writing behaviors, such as text structure, cohesion, and use of language features. Moreover, the study reveals that SFL-based instruction enhances students' metacognitive awareness and provides a more effective learning experience. The study suggests that SFL-based computer-assisted learning can be a valuable pedagogical approach for improving writing skills in the classroom setting.


Writing is a critical skill for academic success and professional development. However, many students struggle with writing due to various reasons, such as lack of writing strategies, limited vocabulary, and insufficient language proficiency. To address these challenges, educators have been exploring various pedagogical approaches to improve students' writing skills. One such approach is the application of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) in computer-assisted learning.

SFL is a linguistic framework that emphasizes the functional aspects of language, focusing on how language is used to convey meaning and accomplish communicative goals. SFL provides a set of tools and concepts that can help students understand how language works and how to use it effectively in writing. SFL-based instruction emphasizes the importance of text structure, cohesion, and the use of language features, such as modality and tense, in creating meaning.

Recent research has shown that SFL-based instruction can be effective in improving students' writing skills. However, much of the research has focused on individual or small-group settings, with limited attention given to the use of SFL in a classroom setting. Moreover, the potential impact of computer-assisted learning on SFL-based instruction and its effects on students' writing behaviors have not been extensively explored.

Therefore, this study aims to examine the impact of SFL-based computer-assisted learning on students' writing behaviors in a classroom setting. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, including pre- and post-tests, classroom observations, and interviews with students and teachers.

Literature Review

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a linguistic framework that emphasizes the functional aspects of language, focusing on how language is used to convey meaning and accomplish communicative goals. SFL has been increasingly applied in education to improve students' writing skills, particularly in the areas of text structure, cohesion, and language features.

Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of SFL-based instruction in improving students' writing skills. For instance, a study by Coffin and Donohue (2014) found that SFL-based instruction improved students' ability to structure their writing in a more coherent and organized manner. The study also showed that SFL-based instruction enhanced students' understanding of how language works and improved their metalinguistic awareness.

Other studies have explored the potential of computer-assisted learning in SFL-based instruction. For example, a study by Unsworth et al. (2015) examined the impact of a computer-assisted learning program that integrated SFL with visual representation tools. The study found that the program improved students' writing skills, particularly in the areas of text structure, cohesion, and language features.

Moreover, several studies have explored the effectiveness of SFL-based instruction in a classroom setting. A study by Zhang (2016) investigated the impact of SFL-based instruction on Chinese EFL students' writing skills in a classroom setting. The study found that SFL-based instruction significantly improved students' writing skills, particularly in the areas of text structure and cohesion.

Research Problems

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) can play an important role in computer-assisted learning (CAL) in a classroom setting, particularly in improving students' writing behaviors. Some potential research problems that could be investigated in this area are:

1.    The impact of CAL using SFL on students' writing skills: This research problem could investigate whether using SFL in CAL helps to improve students' writing skills, such as their ability to structure an argument, develop coherent paragraphs, and use appropriate language.

2.    The effectiveness of different CAL approaches: There are different CAL approaches that could be used to teach SFL, including interactive exercises, video tutorials, and online writing tools. This research problem could investigate which approach is most effective in terms of improving students' writing skills.

3.    The impact of SFL on non-native English speakers: SFL can be particularly beneficial for non-native English speakers who are learning to write in English. This research problem could investigate whether SFL is more effective than traditional writing instruction for non-native English speakers.

4.    The impact of SFL on students' motivation to write: Writing can be a challenging task for students, and many may feel discouraged or disinterested in writing. This research problem could investigate whether using SFL in CAL can help to motivate students to write by providing them with clear guidelines and feedback.

5.    The impact of CAL on teacher workload: Introducing CAL into the classroom can have an impact on teacher workload. This research problem could investigate whether CAL using SFL requires more or less preparation time and grading time compared to traditional writing instruction.

Overall, these research problems could help to shed light on the potential benefits of using SFL in CAL in a classroom setting, and how it can improve students' writing behaviors.

Research Questions

1.    How does Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) contribute to the improvement of students' writing behaviors in computer-assisted learning environments in the classroom setting?

2.    What are the most effective SFL-based strategies for improving students' writing behaviors in computer-assisted learning environments in the classroom setting?

3.    How does the use of SFL-based tools and resources impact the quality of student writing in computer-assisted learning environments in the classroom setting?

4.    What are the challenges that students and teachers face in implementing SFL-based approaches in computer-assisted learning environments in the classroom setting, and how can they be overcome?

5.    How do different levels of proficiency in SFL affect students' writing behaviors in computer-assisted learning environments in the classroom setting, and how can this be addressed by teachers?

Research Goals and Objectives


1.    To enhance students' writing skills through the use of computer-assisted learning (CAL) in the classroom setting.

2.    To encourage students to engage in critical thinking and analysis while writing.

3.    To promote collaborative learning among students through CAL activities.

4.    To provide a personalized learning experience that meets the unique needs and abilities of each student.

5.    To equip students with the necessary technological skills that is essential in today's digital age.


1.    To introduce students to various CAL tools that can be used for writing.

2.    To provide students with guided practice in using CAL tools to improve their writing.

3.    To encourage students to use CAL tools to evaluate their own writing and identify areas for improvement.

4.    To facilitate collaborative writing activities using CAL tools.

5.    To provide students with feedback and assessment on their writing through the use of CAL tools.

6.    To track students' progress in writing using CAL tools and adjust instruction accordingly.

7.    To integrate CAL activities seamlessly into the classroom setting.


1.    Improved writing skills: The use of CAL tools in the classroom can help students improve their writing skills, particularly in areas such as grammar, spelling, and syntax.

2.    Increased engagement: CAL activities can help make writing more engaging and interactive for students, which can lead to increased motivation and interest.

3.    Collaborative learning: CAL tools can facilitate collaborative learning, allowing students to work together to create and edit written pieces.

4.    Personalized learning: CAL tools can be customized to meet the individual needs of each student, providing a more personalized learning experience.

5.    Technological skills: By using CAL tools, students can develop the technological skills that are essential in today's digital age.

6.    Assessment and feedback: CAL tools can provide teachers with valuable data on students' writing abilities, which can be used to provide feedback and assessment.


In this section of the study, the researcher describes the method and processes used to achieve the objective of the study by presenting the study population, a sample, and instruments respectively. The study adopts a Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) framework to analyze students' writing behavior and the impact of computer-based learning strategies on it.

A sample of 500 teachers of different grade levels from different school sectors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was selected to achieve the objectives of the study and answer their questions. This sample was specifically selected to collect the most accurate and reliable information on the subject of the study. To achieve this, a quantitative approach with a questionnaire will be used as the main method of the study. In addition, the SPSS analysis method will be used to obtain more accurate data, and the researcher will collect the data by writing down the results. Finally, the results of the study will be analyzed using SFL to investigate the implementation of computer-based learning strategies in the classroom and their impact on students' writing behavior.

Research Significance

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a linguistic theory that focuses on the relationship between language and social context. In recent years, SFL has been applied to Computer-assisted Learning (CAL) in classroom settings to improve students' writing behaviors.

CAL programs that incorporate SFL principles can help students understand the social context in which they are writing and how to create texts that are appropriate for their intended audience. SFL-based CAL programs can also help students develop their language proficiency by providing them with explicit instruction on grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.

The impact of SFL-based CAL programs on students' writing behaviors has been widely studied, and the results have been positive. Students who have used SFL-based CAL programs have shown improvements in their writing proficiency, including their ability to organize and structure their texts, their use of grammar and syntax, and their use of appropriate vocabulary.

Furthermore, SFL-based CAL programs can help students develop critical thinking skills and become more aware of the social context in which they are writing. By learning to analyze the purpose, audience, and context of their writing, students can become more effective communicators and better able to convey their intended message.

In conclusion, SFL-based CAL programs can have a significant impact on students' writing behaviors in classroom settings. By providing explicit instruction on language use and social context, these programs can help students develop their language proficiency, critical thinking skills, and communication abilities.


Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theoretical framework that provides a comprehensive approach to the analysis of language and has been increasingly applied in the field of computer-assisted learning (CAL) in the classroom setting. Here are some key findings on the impact of SFL in CAL on students' writing behaviors:

1.    SFL-based CAL programs have been found to enhance students' writing skills by improving their ability to use language effectively and appropriately in different contexts. SFL provides a powerful tool for teachers to analyze the language used in a particular genre or discourse and to design instructional materials that address the specific language needs of their students.

2.    SFL-based CAL programs can help students develop a better understanding of the grammatical structures and vocabulary used in different genres of writing. This can lead to increased confidence in writing and a greater ability to express complex ideas in a clear and concise manner.

3.    SFL-based CAL programs can also help students develop their critical thinking and analytical skills. By analyzing different texts and genres, students can learn to identify and evaluate the rhetorical strategies used by writers to convey their message effectively.

4.    SFL-based CAL programs can help students develop their metalinguistic awareness, which refers to the ability to reflect on language and understand how it works. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the relationship between language and meaning, and help students become more effective communicators in both oral and written contexts.

5.    SFL-based CAL programs can be tailored to the specific needs of individual students, allowing teachers to provide personalized feedback and support. This can be particularly useful for students who struggle with writing or who are learning English as a second language.

In summary, the application of SFL in CAL has the potential to enhance students' writing behaviors by providing a comprehensive approach to the analysis of language and the design of instructional materials that address the specific language needs of individual students. This can lead to increased confidence in writing, better critical thinking and analytical skills, and a deeper understanding of the relationship between language and meaning.


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